Saturday, 11 March 2017

Inheritance- Colour Profile

For the shooting of Inheritance and to a smaller degree for Alice, I downloaded some colour profiles to test out that may add to the visual appeal of the film, these are called Cinetech, CineLook and CineStyle.
Though the footage its self isn't that great for these shots I do believe there is a clear difference between the colour profiles used although in my stupidity I didn't think to include the original footage that the camera would give. However, by downloading these I had already decided that I wasn't going to use the camera's raw settings so in actual fact this wouldn't make a huge difference to my decision.

The first conclusion I can draw is that I do not want to use CineStyle, the colours in this are way too washed out and the saturation seems to be too low, this may be good for making something seem gritty or devoid of joy (which to be fair Inheritance is in parts) but this is not a constant look I am looking for and I would much rather accentuate colour to bring more visual appeal to the film.
This then leaves the discussion of CineTech or CineLook, simply the answer is I am not sure, it may come to be a case of different horses for different courses and the filter changes as the shot requires it to but I am leaning towards CineLook as this has deeper blacks and higher contrast which really makes the colours pop, my only issue is that perhaps it does this too much and is too stylised, CineTech, however, just does this slightly not enough and therefore doesn't fit perfectly either. 

As the above comparison shows me I think that generally the colour is better on Look but the skin looks better on Tech, of course this is a preference thing, but on the whole I think that my preference is Look and I believe I will shoot with this setting on.

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