Friday, 17 March 2017

Inheritance- Recce/ Practise shoot: Moors

We went as a crew up to rosedale abbey and found some great locations which we can cover the majority of the film and aren't just to make do but are perfect fits for what I am wanting from the film.
The first was the chimneys that we shot this practice of the bandit scene at. the location is perfect as it offers plausible places for the bandits to emerge from as well as being a nice location for her to walk past in the scene. The scene itself also works very well, the shot choices work in my opinion and the effect of the shotgun which Andrew has been working on also looks great. The other thing that came from this test is that the framing is a little off on some shots and also we could do with a shot coming past the corpse to Sophie (me in this) as she stands up.
This is the second location we found literally a stones throw from the chimneys, this is for the campsite and to demonstrate this we shot a practise of the death scene when Daniel dies. Though this isn't of that much use as the scene itself will be at night time, it was still a valid opportunity to test the shots and see if we could create emotion in the scene. While I think on the whole the scene works, it needs tweaking slightly to create emotion and to make the viewer feel the pain of Sophie's loss.
This was the third and final location we found on this recce, this was a small pond which we will use for the fishing scene at the beginning of the film. I love this location on a day like this it will look amazing on camera and it will add to the visuals so well and this scene if done correctly will look stunning. I also feel the shots on this segment work really well for a quick scene that is to set the idea of survival and isolation into the viewers head.
That concludes the recess and practise shoots on the moors, I plan to use all three locations and also feel that mostly my shot choices work well aside from a few that need tweaking or adding in.

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