Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Alice- Shoot 1: Opening Scene

This was the first shoot for Alice and quite fittingly it is also the scene that starts the film off. In this as I have explained in previous posts, the scene shows Alice setting up her job with Mark but the only  sight we get of Mark is him walking past the camera which we can tell nothing about him from. In this scene we needed to make it feel authentic by having a bar man and a waitress, so I suited up and became the barman, I quite enjoyed the role although in hindsight perhaps not the best idea because it meant I was forever stopping the between takes to ask how the take was to write in my production logs but this wasn't a huge issue it just felt as though at times people were getting a little annoyed at me for asking all the time or taking longer than they would have liked but realistically it needed doing so they would just have to deal with it.
During this shoot we had a relatively simple set up that gave astounding results, the lighting and aesthetic were beautiful and this basic set up meant that we could shoot many takes of the same thing in relatively small amounts of time which meant we could make sure we really nailed the scene, and nail it is exactly what we did, having watched back the footage, Charlotte gives an excellent performance and everything is timed perfectly and looks fantastic. 
We filmed around 20-30 takes of this scene from 4 'angles' there are the two images that represent two angles then we did each of these two from two different tables to see which gave the most attractive background, this gave us the four angles. The beauty of this scene is that only one performance really matters, Charlotte's, as long as Gary got it right at least once we could use his audio and the same goes for Sarah as the waitress, although the scene will work better if they can use the audio that matches the take because that way it will feel more natural but I have the upmost confidence that Beth would be able to make it feel natural anyway as she is a fantastic editor.

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