Thursday, 13 April 2017

Alice- Shoot 6: Dark Room 2, End and Penshaw

By far the busiest day of shooting was the day when the crew did 5 scenes, I was present for 3 as I had other commitments and also didn't want to over crowd the bathroom scenes as it was a very small room and also as it was relatively sensitive to shoot so minimum people seemed necessary. 
The first scene we shot was the second dark room section which was nothing short of madness, we had 10 minutes to shoot it, luckily it was only a couple of shots that consisted of a wide and then a closer in shot of Alice frantically clearing out her dark room. This went really well despite the lack of time, it was a rush, there is no denying that, and perhaps we could have really nailed the shots given more time, however, without someone having prior knowledge, there is no way at all that the shots seem rushed or poorly planned. Although, if they did seem rushed then this would only add to the scene anyway as she is in a mad rush to clear the evidence so it would help more than hinder.
The second segment we shot on that day was the final scene, which I will not spoil for you but I will say that we used a road just down from Penshaw monument which was mostly abandoned, although when we did recce's it seemed like it would be completely isolated but when it came to the actual shoot, some men parked behind Alice's car and left to do whatever it is they were doing. This was annoying as it somewhat takes from the isolated feel and the idea of the road being abandoned. The scene still works and I am a big fan of it, I just think that perhaps it would have been better had the second car not been there. With regards to the shots themselves, they were following shots behind or in front of Alice as she walked down the road, they took multiple attempts as any shot of that nature would take, but on the whole they are by no means bad and towards the end we were making some great shots.

The final shoot that I was involved with was at the top of Penshaw monument (well, not the very top, but the top of the hill) where we got some amazing, beautiful shots of Alice' dream. The sky was completely perfect for this, a blue sky with just a spatter of clouds looks very idillic and dream like which is spectacular for the scene. There was also a degree of freedom given to Liam on camera to be fluid and this is really great when we look back as the fluid camera movements really contrast the rest of the film as it feels peaceful and we can really feel that she is in a safe dream where everything is calm and tranquil. I really think that we hit the nail on the head with these shots and we were incredibly lucky with the setting. With regards to the other shoots from what I can tell they also went extremely well and they look fantastic when looking back.

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