Thursday, 13 April 2017

Alice- Shoot 5: Street

The 5th shoot for Alice was a small section that took a couple of hours whereby we shot some scenes in the car whereby the antagonists are discussing what they should do with Alice and how long it should take to deal with her. This was a relatively simple shoot as it predominately involved Andrew driving his car around with the actors and the camera and sound operators squashed in so that we could get coverage of all three characters as they were driving around, this was fairly simple as it was very basic shooting and there were few lines so it was essentially a case of just doing the basics for everyone involved, the only real issue perhaps was keeping the camera steady as the car drove around.
The other thing we did on this shoot was get a shot of the front of Andrew's car with the three men in as it was driving around, we did this by opening Liam's boot and filming out of the back of the car. This was not an easy task to do safely but as I was in charge of health and safety I ensured that the camera was secured in the car and that everything was conducted properly, this meant that once this was ensured we could get a very nicely done shot that really adds to the scene. Personally I feel the framing could have been tighter but this is a preference thing and realistically it isn't such a huge deal and the shot is completely fine as is.
We also shot the post-party section whereby Ryan and Nathan come out of the party, drunk and drive off followed by Alice, this section should have been easy as it was just two men walking across a road and getting into a car, however, due to various issue, predominately sound from the wind we had to do around 10 takes, however this isn't a criticism, it couldn't be avoided and better to be perfectionist than have a 'this will do' attitude so while it was a little frustrating that we couldn't get the shot straight away, it was worth it realistically. All in all this shoot was very small and while it was short it did take longer than expected, but this is by no means an issue, we shot some quality stuff and it was worth the time spent.

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