Thursday, 29 December 2016

Kodak Awards- Time Shoot 1

The first shoot for the Time advert for Paperchase was at Preston Park, shooting the victorian segment. The day didn't start so great when Andrew drove his car across the grass and did around £200 worth of damage to their turf. However, John Beeley who I had contacted about filming in there decided to let us off as long as we had learnt a lesson, I for one did learn from this and must say it was very nice of him to let us off. On the morning we were supposed to pick up the actor who was going to play the Victorian man but after waiting a considerable amount of time without him showing up me and Brad agreed to leave and we would get Ryan (who was coming along to help out as part of the crew) to play the man, so he did, and when we got costume from Preston Park he certainly looked the part so this worked out nicely. We met the actress (Charlotte) there and she too borrowed a costume from Preston Park and with her hair tied up (like I had asked her to do the night before) she also looked to be Victorian so on this front the production values were excellent. The shoot itself went down without a hitch, there was a lot of moving the track and dolly around which was tiring but this is in no way a criticism, I know what film making requires, you cant be lazy and successful. I am almost certain the shot quality will be fantastic as we put in a lot of care and time to make sure everything was as Brad wanted it. All in all I can't say anything bad about this shoot apart from other people destroying the premises and the actor not turning up.

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