Thursday, 3 March 2016

Live Project 1: UV Light and UV paint

Another way that we thought we can really nail the 80s vibe of the music video was by using a UV light and UV paint to accentuate and stylise the look of the actors. When I looked into doing this I found that if done correctly, It looks really vibrant and neon, which is more or less perfect for our video.

This is an example of what I found and an idea that we could mimic. With this on board I then went about putting the paint onto actors to see if we could create a similar effect. We also got a UV light from a friend of Ryan (the other camera operator) and then turned on the light to see what it looked like. 
This was the first attempt, I feel this worked well and looked very in keeping with our aesthetic vision. We then applied this to some other extras and filmed their close ups so that we could use this in potential cutaways in the video.
Of the ones that we did this was my favourite as I think it looks good how the hair is illuminated coming out of the hat. This is just pleasing on the eye.
These are the last of the screenshots I have taken of the use of face paint in the video. I think the effect is really good and definitely adds the neon colourfulness and flare we are wanting it to bring.

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