Thursday, 3 March 2016

Live Project 1: Film Shoot 18/02/16

This was the final shoot and it was a very short shoot so this will most likely be a very short post as the main parts of this shoot have already been covered in previous posts. This is because the shoot just consisted of the UV paint and the poster which I have already talked about in previous posts so I will touch on the filming aspects of these.
This is the UV light we used for the neon paint effect. This was easy to film as it was a case of turn the light on, frame the close up and then press record. This was a really simple and quick part of the shoot which was done in around 20 minutes and was really effective on screen.
Again this was the poster lit up which we then got multiple shot of from a few different angles, the high angle shots like this were done handheld from the top of a ladder which we had to get help for as we needed someone to foot the ladder for health and safety. These are some more shots that looked great and were really simply done.
That really all there is to say about this shoot as it was really short and went down without any trouble really.

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