Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Kodak Awards- Popcorn Practise edits

As you know, we did a digital run through of the advert and then gave it to Shaun to edit together to get an early look at what the advert may look like when it's done.


This was the first edit he sent back to me without any of my input it was purely from my shortlist and storyboards and his own intuition that he put this together.

While there are some good things about this edit my initial feedback was that it needed slowing down a lot, for me there are way too many cuts in there and its almost non-cohesive. Shaun said that he was trying to use as many of the different angles as we had so that I could see all of the footage we had, which is a valuable thing for him to do. I also asked if he could create more tension in the scene with the first couple as this is the main section of the film. One great thing was that it was dead on 30 seconds which is obviously part of the brief.


In response to the things I asked Shaun, he sent me this, already I could see a drastic improvement, although I still felt it to be a little fast, however, I do feel it was more coherent and there was a clearer plot line and It wasn't completely too fast to absorb, however I still do feel that the cuts were coming too frequently and so then he asked me how I would want it, under normal circumstances I wouldn't step on the toes of my editor by telling him how to do his job but since he asked I sent him this.
"Side angle>fiddling with popcorn> Liam looking>pan as Toni walks in and sits down> hand going towards popcorn> nervous eyes> hand > Toni's eyes > card being pulled out> back of card> hug"

This is just for the first half as I am more or less happy with how the second half looks and flows. So Shaun did one more edit with the order I asked for.


This was, I feel, the best of the test edits, however, I am not 100% happy with it, if that were the real film I wouldn't be happy sending it off, however it is a good platform to build upon and as a result of these I redrafted my storyboards and redid my shortlist to fit what I now wanted having seen the footage edited.

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