Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Brush Stroke- Film Shoot #5 (actually 4)

This Blog post is for what should be the fifth film shoot for Brush Stroke but actually it was the forth and I had just forgotten to put it in, my bad. This was for the Lettings agency scene with Michael, the Landlord and the Lettings agent. This was a new experience for me as it was my first time working with semi professional actors, as opposed to people who just do it as more of a hobby.
Roger and Carl in place between takes.

This was a bit of a learning  curve for me as I knew I would have to be more professional than my usual self on set, however they are really nice people to work with and they didn't seem to be unhappy in any way with how I was directing them. Although they may have been too professional to say even if they were unhappy.

Me directing with a pint of water in hand, (no thats not Richard, Allan stepped in on sound)

One issue we had was that through no ones fault (although perhaps Richard could have planned his travel better) Richard couldn't be on set as he couldn't get travel to be there, luckily my friend Allan was on hand to help out and he took over on sound for this shoot, luckily it was interior so relatively easy to get sound, although having checked the clips there were no issues with sound so I suppose I no one will know we had an inexperienced sound op.

A relatively simple shoot but fun for me to work with a high quality of actor and get good results from the shoot. It is worth noting that on this shoot I was quite ill and had been sick that morning and had to change, hence why I am dressed relatively scruffily, I regret this but was almost unavoidable.

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