Friday, 19 February 2016

Live Project 1- Costume

As mentioned in previous posts, the music video that we are making is 80s themed with a modern element as well. I have also previously mentioned that this was going to be done by having an 80s girl and a modern boy meeting up. As a result of these two culture clashes we need two distinct clothing styles so the difference between the two is evident on screen. Because of the need for distinction between the two eras on screen I decided to do some research into costume for the two characters and the type of things they could wear.

The Boy
The boy is the modern one of the two, this means it will be substantially easier to dress the actor because in all likelihood they will already have the kind of clothing we are looking for.
One quick google search of modern clothing and you find this image and I think this is a good starting point for what we want him to look like, in particular note the dull colours, nothing neon or bright like it was in the 80s, I think in particular the middle one of these men would be the best for what we are trying to achieve, I think the other two (in particular the left one) are perhaps a touch too smartly dressed.
Looking into more casual wear I found this and think this is more or less exactly the aesthetic we should look for, although the white is a bit bright, it will add to the vibrancy of the overall video when it is lit up but will still look more dull in comparison to the neons of the 80s girl.

 The Girl
With the girl being 80s themed and me being born in the late 90s I had to do a little bit of research into the clothing styles of the time, I knew they were neon and bright but aside from that I had very little knowledge.
I eventually came across this image and thought that this was more or less the image we wanted for the actress, however, her legs were a little bare and also considering that they will be at a roller disco she would need dressing up a little. The best way for us to do this would be neon leg warmers, the most quintessentially 80s piece of clothing ever created. If we were to add this to the costume coupled with some bright coloured roller skates I think that the outfit would be perfect.
Something on the lines of this to just add that extra 80s factor to make the costume perfect and really sell the idea that she is a girl out of her time. The only other thing to think about is her make-up, this will also be 80s themed so as to really push the image, the man will not have any make-up because it wouldn't be normal for a modern man to be wearing make up. The make up that the girl will be wearing will be brightly coloured and it will most likely be the David Bowie lightning bolt, as this is one of the icons of the time and also it is something of a tribute because of his recent passing.
If you are unsure of what this looks like it is the picture above, this should be relatively easy to replicate as we have a make up artist coming along to the shoot who will be able to do this for us and thus make the ultimate 80s girl come to life. 
This is what we eventually put onto the actress as a nod to Bowie but not a copy Although it is clear of our influence there is a lot that is different about our version.

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