Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Me, Myself & I- Script

So today I finished my script for the Me, Myself & I project. Firstly, although the limit for the length for the film was 3 minutes mine currently sits at 2 minutes 53 seconds but I'm not worried about this because it wasn't a true acting of it when I did a run through so this can easily change. There will also be shots that aren't in the script because they're just filler, like the train leaving the station. The second problem that I found was that it was at times difficult to create dialogue that felt authentic if I was saying it. For example, in one scene I am celebrating my team scoring a goal, i found this hard to script an authentic cheer that wouldn't sound too fake. This is what I wrote for this part:
I felt that this is the kind of thing I say when Arsenal score, however I plan on just using this as an outline, in general I will improvise but have this as like a base for that improvisation. 

Also whilst writing this script I  chose to only feature one character (myself) apart from in one little bit where I get a reply to a chant from my Dad. I chose to do this because that way it feels truly like I am somewhat lonely in this film which plays upon the Me Myself & I brief that I was given, that it is just me and my emotion.

Next I need to make up some story boards so that filming becomes substantially easier so shots are set up easily.

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